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Preparing an AutoCAD drawing for 3D

This tutorial explains the main issues to consider when drawing in AutoCAD and preparing a drawing for use in 3D work.

Popularity: 33.84 visits per day | Last visit: Today | Total visits: 208,551

Creating a Walkthrough

This tutorial shows how to create an animated walkthrough of your AutoCAD 3D model using 3DS MAX 5. All you need to start is an AutoCAD drawing with some 3D content. The end result will be a .AVI file which can be viewed on any Windows PC.

Popularity: 19.08 visits per day | Last visit: Today | Total visits: 130,422

Drawing Aids

All about drawing aids.

Popularity: 62.03 visits per day | Last visit: Today | Total visits: 423,974

Stage 8: Assign Materials and Sky background

When surface and edge modelling has been completed and the lighting has been setup correctly, materials can then be assigned to surfaces and edges. This tutorial guides you through the process.

Popularity: 3.5 visits per day | Last visit: Today | Total visits: 21,517

Stage 11: Rendering

In this final stage of the project, views created with the Quickscape View Manager are rendered using Supersampling for best quality.

Popularity: 3.68 visits per day | Last visit: Today | Total visits: 22,672

Converting Audio CD tracks to MP3 Files

This tutorial explains how to rip CD tracks to MP3 files, ready for playing within a PowerPoint slide show.

Popularity: 4.7 visits per day | Last visit: Today | Total visits: 32,104

Masterplan Exercise

This exercise can be used to practice your basic drafting skills.

Popularity: 33.53 visits per day | Last visit: Today | Total visits: 229,170

Stage 6: Lighting and Shadows

Lighting outdoor scenes involves the setup of a Sunlight or Daylight system, together with ambient light. This tutorial uses Quickscape Sunlight and Shadows to automatically setup a Sunlight System with some environment settings and including the use of a Quickscape Light Dome for added natural ambient light.

Popularity: 3.51 visits per day | Last visit: Today | Total visits: 21,608

Stage 10: Add Play Equipment, Vehicles and People

Finally, Quickscape Model Objects dialog is used to add play equipment, cars and vans and Quickscape Image Objects dialog is used to add people. This brings the scene to life and further adds to the sense of scale for the design.

Popularity: 3.68 visits per day | Last visit: Today | Total visits: 22,665

Publishing your Website

This tutorial explains how publish your website from within Microsoft FrontPage.

Popularity: 3.26 visits per day | Last visit: Today | Total visits: 22,315

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AutoCAD 2010: 3D Scale & 3D Align

AutoCAD 2010: 3D Scale & 3D Align | AutoCAD

This tutorial introduces the 3D Scale and 3D Align tools. Although 3D Scale is a bit of a damp squib, 3D Align is very powerful and can get you out of all sorts of scrapes if you know how to use it correctly. Running time: 3min 42sec

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